Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Bouffant Bob

Lately, I've been realizing that I really need to get my hair cut and get it back off my neck. But with that desire comes a certain amount of reticence and unwillingness to actually take the plunge as it means that I would have to try and explain my hairstyle preference in French to a hair dresser. How to solve the problem? Well, I really was quite fond of the way my hair was cut the very last time I got it cut in July so I thought to myself why not take in a picture of myself to give the hairdresser some guidance. Yesterday was my lucky day! Someone else provided me with a picture of myself which I can use to give the hairdresser some guidance. "Yes, that's right, Mr./Ms. Hairdresser, I'm hear to get the Bouffant Bob. I hear it's all the rage these days."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Hole World is Sad

Well, I've been lying in bed resting for 3 out of the last 4 days and really probably feeling like that's what I wanted to be doing for the last 7 days. I semi-lost my voice to begin with and now it has turned into a nasty cough. I tried to go to school today but it was clear that if I kept trying to teach I probably wouldn't have a voice at all by the end of the day. I'm grateful to Shannon for offering to step in and take my class for me so I could go home and try to rest my voice some more. Just a few minutes ago a pack of get well cards from the crew was delivered to my door! Letters from kids are always good for a laugh. This one was my favorite. It's so dramatic that it just cracks me up! Even funnier was the fact that it was written by a boy. Well just in case you been wondering why you've been feeling so sad these last couple of you's cause I'm laid up. :) Thanks for the good laugh, Shannon!

Ha! I just read this again and noticed that according to this note, I'm a man. Funny!
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